How SCADA Revolutionizes Electrical Asset Management

What is SCADA?

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, commonly known as SCADA, is an automated control system used in modern electrical systems to help drive more efficient operations. SCADA systems are designed to collect data from critical assets via sensors installed within equipment across an organization. Data can be processed and analyzed, and the output can be used to enable personnel to make, better, more informed decisions about the best course of action with their assets.

SCADA systems consist of software and hardware components that enable operators to gather data to efficiently monitor, control, and optimize electrical assets. These systems provide remote control for equipment monitoring processes, performance aberrations, and data analysis.

How does SCADA work?

Communication networks are the backbone that connects components such as sensors, RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controllers), and the central controls in SCADA systems. These communication networks ensure data flows seamlessly between field devices and peripheral systems, enabling real-time monitoring and control.

Operational efficiency and electrical asset reliability are enhanced when a SCADA system is connected to equipment. The system can collect varying types of data from equipment, including temperature, pressure, or speed data. The data may then be analyzed and presented in a dashboard, and trends can be determined.

Such insights may then be used to take broader actions, allowing personnel to make better decisions.

A typical SCADA system will comprise several components, which include:

  1. Sensors and Actuators: Sensors provide the necessary data from measured parameters like pressure, flow, voltage, temperature, and so on for monitoring, while actuators receive control signals from the sensors to enable automated control capabilities for operational adjustments and optimization. These are crucial components of SCADA systems for real-time feedback on process performance.

    For example, if a sensor detects a high temperature trend, an actuator can be triggered to turn on a cooling system.

  2. Remote Terminal Units (RTUs): RTU’s collect real-time data from sensors connected to their input modules and forward the processed data to the central SCADA system over the preferred communication channel. This data is forwarded regularly or when significant changes occur, ensuring the central control system has up-to-date information.
  3. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): PLC’s allow direct control of machinery and processes based on sensor data. The PLC receives control commands from the SCADA system based on processed data, which then adjusts the actuator's control actions to make the necessary changes, such as opening or closing valves, starting or stopping motors, or adjusting flow rates.

    For example, if the SCADA system detects an anomaly or a need to make an adjustment, it sends signals to the PLC that trigger relevant actuators to make the necessary changes.

  4. Communication Networks: Networks connect the sensors, RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), PLC’s, and the central control system. These networks allow for remote monitoring and a seamless flow of data between field devices and the SCADA system, enabling real-time monitoring, control, and automation of industrial processes. In other words, communication networks facilitate data collection, transmission, processing and display, control commands, and action implementation.
  5. Human Machine Interface (HMI's): these are the user interfaces or dashboards that enable personnel interaction with a machine, system, or device with data visualization and trend analysis of the various monitored and controlled processes. HMI's also provide real-time visual or audible notifications when process parameters deviate from the predefined acceptable range.

Automated reports on system performance can be generated by HMI’s that could be scheduled or triggered by defined events.

The future of SCADA in electrical asset management

The electrical asset management space is taking a different shape with the advent of technological advancements such as the Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and big data analytics, all of which have influenced the versatility and improvement of SCADA systems.

To fully understand the evolution of a SCADA system, we must reflect on the days of manual monitoring and on-site staff presence to monitor asset conditions.

SCADA has evolved into Electrical Power Monitoring Systems (EPMS) due to the requirement for more detailed and specialized monitoring of electrical power systems. SCADA systems began to incorporate more advanced features specific to power monitoring, leading to the development of EPMS to address the growing demand for reliable and efficient energy management. Connecting SCADA and EPMS enables dependable operation of IT infrastructure by monitoring power distribution, spotting potential problems, and facilitating effective energy use in several verticals, such as data centers, where power management is essential.

SCADA and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are commonly contrasted, and some electrical asset analysts believe IIoT applications will eventually replace traditional SCADA systems. For classic SCADA systems, IIoT applications are generally regarded as alternatives, not replacements. IIoT applications can be installed on top of SCADA, decreasing the pitfalls of vendor lock-in, like a lack of standards and interoperability.

AI and machine learning algorithms can analyze large volumes of SCADA data to find trends and forecast future events. This information enables predictive maintenance for better asset condition decisions and enhanced overall efficiency of electrical systems. Integrating SCADA systems with IoT devices makes a wider range of detailed data collection possible. This integration makes even more accurate electrical asset monitoring and control possible, making management techniques more relevant and adaptable.

AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms can analyze large volumes of SCADA data to find trends and forecast future events. This information provides predictive maintenance for better asset condition judgments and enhanced overall efficiency of electrical systems.

Incorporating advanced security features into future SCADA systems to guard against cyberattacks and guarantee the accuracy and dependability of electrical asset management is crucial.

The impact of SCADA/EPMS on electrical asset management

As industries evolve to accommodate IIoT in electrical asset management, the need for automatic or proactive solutions continues to drive the development of the systems.

SCADA/EPMS has impacted the electrical asset management landscape in many ways, enabling multiple protocol connectivity, data analysis, real-time monitoring, predictive capabilities, and more.

The evolution of SCADA into EPMS represents a significant advancement in power monitoring and management. Electrical asset management tasks, such as machine monitoring, data collection, alert responses, and field device control, are carried out by conventional SCADA systems and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications in industrial settings.

However, there are distinctions between them, such as the lack of robust analytics capabilities that IIoT systems are known to exhibit.

The impact of SCADA/EPMS on electrical asset management is seen in several ways, which include:

  • Improved monitoring and control: These systems resolve one of the monitoring challenges: the manual and labor-intensive process required to monitor electrical systems. SCADA can now automate monitoring processes with EPMS, which is equipped with sophisticated tools to monitor various aspects of electrical power, enabling the real-time monitoring of electrical assets. Asset performance has become trackable, and maintenance personnel can now detect anomalies and respond to potential issues before they occur, increasing asset reliability and efficiency.
  • Improved safety: SCADA systems have transformed safety in industries by providing real-time alerts and automated shutdowns in case of critical faults. This enables a proactive solution that prevents personnel from being exposed to the hazards associated with faulty equipment, such as an arc flash.
  • Enhanced efficiency: Data from different electrical assets is continuously collected and monitored, improving electrical system performance by detecting anomalies in set asset conditions. The system alerts operators in the HMI if an anomaly is detected, enabling prompt reaction time to events and alert responses critical to industrial plant operations.
  • Predictive maintenance: Continuous monitoring of electrical assets can trigger an alarm when an anomaly is detected and facilitate SCADA's system's prediction of potential failures before they occur. This predictive capability allows for timely maintenance, preventing costly downtime, and extending the lifespan of equipment. 

SCADA has undeniably transformed the electrical asset monitoring landscape, enabling greater efficiency, reliability, and control. With technological advancement, SCADA systems will continue to become more integral tools to ensure that electrical assets are more reliable, and management is proactively observed.

All Exertherm's CTM solutions can be connected to SCADA/EPMS/BMS systems, enabling personnel interaction with data visualization and temperature trend analysis of monitored equipment.

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